Sinda/Fluint Co-simulation

  1. Introduction ————

  2. Current Status ————–

  3. Usage —–


Figure 1. SindaTransAC model in lib_accessory.mdl
Note the s-function (sfunsinda.m located in <ADVISOR main directory>/models/Sindafluint) that passes variables back and forth between ADVISOR and Sinda/Fluint. Users interested in integrating their own Sinda/Fluint models in a co-simulation should reference this library block and the sfunsinda.m s-function.


  1. Hendricks, T. J. (2001). Vehicle Transient Air Conditioning Analysis: Model Development & System Optimization Investigations. 43 pp.; NICH Report No. TP-540-30715. (available here)

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Created: 29-April-2002 [mpo]
Last Modified: NA